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Shipping Policy



All standard shipping rates and policies apply to these items when shipped domestically, including free shipping on qualifying orders and premium shipping.

When we ship your order, we indicate the carrier company, shipping date and estimated delivery date on the Your Account page. You can track your package in Your Orders

We also handle all customer service and product returns for our items.

Certain restrictions prevent us from shipping certain products to all geographical locations. Restrictions for specific items may require the purchaser to provide additional information in order to ship the item.

If we're unable to ship specific items to the address you selected, you'll see a notification at checkout. These restrictions can be related to local/state laws and statutes, hazmat materials, large and oddly shaped items.

To avoid delays, provide error free billing and shipping addresses.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind: 

  • Your billing address must match the address on your monthly credit card or bank statement.

  • Leave fields blank if they don't apply to your address, for example, don't enter "N/A," "Not applicable," and so on.

  • Add information in the correct fields, for example, don't enter city and state information in the Address Line 2 field. Use the city and state fields instead.

  • Avoid using accent marks or non-English characters. Our system can't process these characters.

  • Don't enter shipping or delivery instructions in the address fields. We use a variety of carriers, Therefore, we can't assist with requests for specific shippers.

Estimated Delivery Windows

Estimated Delivery Windows are the windows during which you may receive your order. 

Your delivery progress tracker may include an Estimated Delivery Window. When available, it will also appear in Your Orders and notifications. It provides information about when you can expect deliveries. External factors, such as traffic, can affect delivery windows. They're not guaranteed and may be subject to change. Deliveries can arrive before or after estimated windows.

Seller Shipping Rates

Included in your payment is a pre-calculated fee for shipping. 

Your shipping fees depend on the type of product you purchase.

Rates are based on shipping a single item. Purchasing multiple items may result in multiple shipping charges.

For buyers within the United States, shipping charges and options vary according to the product being purchased.

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